MCFIT INNOVATED - Fitness For Runners
The fitness program that will INNOVATE your running economy
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This monthly subscription program is INNOVATED to specifically help runners improve their running economy. Each week you will receive 4 unique, quick, efficient, & effective workouts. These workouts are specifically created with a method I've used with successful running clients for over a decade.
So many runners focus so much on mileage that they forget the reason they are able to run in the first place. MUSCLES. Runners that neglect strength training often find themselves injured because of it. By supplementing your running with strength training, you WILL improve speed, & reduce the risk of injury. You will strengthen your core, muscles, joints, & connective tissue.
With a program completely laid out to bring you results, you'll save time & energy. You will look, & feel better than ever! This allows you to improve your running, without running yourself ragged.
These workouts can be done at home or at the gym! I recommend having a set of dumbbells, a step/bench/chair/stair, & some loop resistance bands. However, the program can be done without the bands.
Each workout includes:
- The option for a 30 or 45 minute workout
- Fun & challenging exercise combos with unique formats, so no two workouts will ever be the same
- Video clips to show you exactly what to do
- Specific form cues for proper execution
- Tips on how to increase or decrease the difficulty to fit YOUR fitness level
- Specific muscle movements to work the areas of the body that are commonly neglected when solely running
Get moving, and innovate your fitness, your health, & your LIFE!
Your Instructor
I'm a personal trainer with a masters degree in health science, & a deep devotion to helping people live their very best life. My goal is to make doing so a little more doable with some fantastic health tips & tricks...oh & some killer workouts too. ;)